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Haulotte commits itself to fight against the COVID-19

Published 2020/03/18

Reading 2 min

  • The temporary shutdown of production on all its French manufacturing facilities:
  • L'Horme factory (Loire - 42)
  • Creusot factory (Saône et Loire - 71)
  • Reims factory (Marne - 51)
  • The continuation of our Distribution and Service activities in strict compliance with the health measures required locally.

Haulotte Group has undertaken all health prevention measures at our distribution sites to allow operational continuity as necessary regarding the activity.

  • Rigorous Telework on French territory for all activities that allow for it
  • Maintain communication with all our customers and partners
  • Active and supportive contribution to prevent and contain the spread of the virus

Haulotte group is not in position to date to determine the global impact that this health crisis of unprecedented proportions will have on our industrial, commercial and financial performance.

You can count on the mobilisation and commitment of all our teams to implement the most appropriate solutions in this unprecedented context.

Haulotte ist in Europa der marktführende und weltweit der drittgrößte Hersteller von selbstfahrenden Hubarbeitsbühnen : teleskopbühnen, Scherenarbeitsbuehnen elektrisch, Scherenarbeitsbuehnen diesel...

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